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国际货物买卖中的违约赔偿 计算方法与经典案例深度解析

2024-12-15  来源:从何法律    






  1. 实际损失原则:这是最基本的赔偿原则,即受损方有权获得由于对方违约而直接造成的经济损失。例如,如果卖方交付的货物质量不合格,导致买方失去客户并因此减少了销售额,那么买方的损失就是其实际发生的经济减少。
  2. 预期利润原则:除了已经产生的实际损失外,受损方还可以主张因对方违约而丧失的未来可得利益。这意味着如果卖方没有及时发货,导致买方错失了一个重要的市场机会,那么卖方不仅要赔偿买方因为错过这个机会所产生的直接损失,还要补偿其可能从这次交易中获得的预期利润。
  3. 合理费用原则:受损方在寻求和执行损害赔偿过程中所产生的合理费用,如律师费、调查费等,也可能被纳入到最终的赔偿金额中。
  4. 惩罚性赔偿原则:在一些国家,法院可能会对严重违反合同义务的行为施加惩罚性的赔偿金,旨在阻止类似的不当行为再次发生。然而,这一原则在国际贸易法中并不普遍适用。


Case Study: The "Emerald"[1]

In this case, the buyer of a shipment of steel rods alleged that the seller had failed to deliver goods conforming with the contract specifications. The court held that the buyer was entitled to damages for both the difference in value between the non-conforming and the conforming goods as well as lost profits from being unable to use the steel rods in its manufacturing process. This decision illustrates how courts consider not just the immediate cost differential but also the potential impact on the business operations of the affected party when calculating damages.

Case Study: The "Siboen"[2]

The "Siboen" involved a dispute over whether a shipowner could claim compensation for loss of profit due to a charterer's breach of charterparty terms by redelivering cargo earlier than agreed. The tribunal ruled that while the shipowner could recover the actual costs incurred during the period of underperformance, it could not claim for expected future profits because these were too uncertain and speculative. This case highlights the importance of demonstrating certainty and foreseeability in establishing entitlement to damages for anticipated profits.

